It was time to return to Ohio after over two weeks on the road. We made a drive south to Forest County on the chance that the AGT coins may have arrived. No luck. What else was there to do but cache? We visited a nice park in Tionesta, stopped at a farm, and finished off with a visit to the really cool Pithole Historical site.
I always like visiting Pithole and viewing the land that held the first oil boom. Today's visit (and geocache) took us to a view of Pithole Creek. We had never been here before. On the way in we saw wood ducks take flight, a heron lift off, and a really outstanding beaver dam. While we were here we realized this place is actually a heron rookery with at least four visible nests in the trees. On our way out we got to visit with our friends Tprints and MommyTP. It was fun to relax and visit for a bit.
The llama photos are for Jill. When she comes to visit, we'll make certain this farm is on the way. :-)