Fairview Cemetery is adjacent to this State Game Lands. The back edge of the cemetery looks out over a small valley. The name seemed to fit well. The weather was perfect for walking.
Wow, what a day. We spent the day in Crawford County caching as usual. The sky can't get much bluer. At our first stop the light freezing rain from earlier in the week had coated the trees with a light layer of sparkling ice. Our second stop brought us to a State Game Lands and a perfect set of turkey prints in the crusty snow. After visiting a little roadside area with nice stands of hemlock, we traveled down the final road. At the end of our journey we found a grand creek, a majestic old steel bridge, and a cemetery with many Revolutionary War Veterans. We finished our day with a stop for ice cream (of course).
9 February 2008 Strange Weather Day
Arriving at the Park
Near the First Stage
Near the Final
On the Way Back
Near the end of our Walk
We left the house with a plan to meet our friend Goat Haunt. We are both planning caches in Geauga's Big Creek Park and were going to work together so there were no conflicts. When we left the house the sun was shining. As we reached the township edge, the snow started. After another few minutes, we were driving through white-outs. We stopped at the first chance and canceled the afternoon with Rich.
We were driving home with the thought of giving up on the day in the park, but as we got closer to home, the snow stopped and the sun came out. Hmmm... let's go west and walk in North Chagrin. We had planned a cache there this year and had our gps'. By the time we reached the park, the snow had started and the wind was blowing. Thoughout 2 1/2 miles of walking we saw driving snow, grey skies, and blue skies with sunshine. It was a fun afternoon with some really strange weather. If you come to find our cache, these are spoilers of the trail you will need to walk.
3 February 2008 A couple Mentor Parks
After a long day and late night of caching in Stark county, we decided to have a quiet visit to a couple of parks in Mentor, Ohio. There ducks were enjoying the day as much as we were.
Monday, February 04, 2008
2 February 2008 The Wilderness Center
The Wilderness Center is a non-profit nature preserve in Stark County Ohio. The site is geocacher friendly and was hosting a night caching event. We spent the day caching with GeaugaGarmin and got to the nature center early enough to grab two regular caches before the event. Once we got to the event, New York friends Dove78, meriadoc, and Dave w/o id joined us for an evening of hunting caches in the woods. Most of the night time fair set up for the event was fairly easy so we were really glad that the staff gave a nod and allowed the six of us to go back into the woods for a permanent multi and regular. We had a great time.
Many thanks to all the visitors that have pushed this site past 2,000 hits. I hope you've enjoyed the photos.
28 January 2008 Ambridge to Carlisle
I had a half-day meeting in Ambridge at a new facility we are operating. After the meeting I had the afternoon to hunt a few caches and drive east to Carlisle. I was hoping for a few new counties on the trip (got that), a find on one of Lep's caches (missed), and a visit to one of Lep's Waymarks (got that). I also got lucky with an amazingly blue day. The day was so colorful, I quickly forgot all my whining from the day prior. I found the Waymark in the pleasant, little town of Mars. I also found a flying saucer in the center of town and a few Waymarks to post. The first photos are taken from the area around a recently restored passenger station in Mars. On the way east, my last find was a really old cache (April 2002) called Girlie Cache. The cache is located at a lookout that overlooks a valley to the west. The last photo is shot looking north from the lookout area.