If I go deaf from listening to spring peepers at the Rookery, my ears will have gone for a good cause. It was a marvelous night for a walk. We were on the old interurban grade when Ali spotted a beautiful turtle on a stump. As we watched the turtle, we were joined by this really nice person named Jerry. For the rest of our time at the park, we walked and chatted with this person. All of us were able to enjoy the site of the biggest beaver we have ever seen. We also got a great view of a muskrat. Later we walked to the covered bridge and relaxed to the sights of more beavers. After enjoying the sunset, we were treated to the calls of a great-horned owl and a barred owl. We stopped on our way back to hear a chorus of wood frogs. Our evening ended at the edge of the field as we listened to a pair of woodcocks. Many thanks to a wonderful person named Jerry for sharing his local knowledge and a pleasant evening with us.
My thanks go out to all who have visited this site. I am in awe of the 3,000 hits. I also just realized with my recent posts that for the first time in months, I like my photos again.
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