We needed 14 more counties to have a find in all counties in Pennsylvania. I was trying to get four counties on the way home. I got three. My first stop took me to Chambersburg. We've stayed in Chambersburg a few times when traveling in PA. The town has an outstanding Italian restaurant and is a good travel distance. This time my travels brought me here to hunt caches.
My first stop should have been a nice multi and might have made the favorites, if I had found it. Stage one was information gathering (done). Stage 2 was crossing a wide and deep stream by tightroping over a downed tree. Before climbing onto the tree, I snapped the duck photo. I got across the tree; didn't fall in; and didn't drop any electronics in the water :-). I also spent over a half hour searching for a cache I couldn't find :-(. After waiting out a storm, I continued my journey and grabbed three in the county including one near the stream pictured at the site of an old dam.
For the second county, I went about ten miles out of my way to find a cache in the Game Lands near an old Civil War battle site. The site was the spot where the Union Army set up lines to stop the Confederate advance on Altoona. The stiles made by the Union troops are still quite visible along the side of the road. After a visit to the historic site and a tough cache find in the woods, it was on to the last county.
My last stop was at Chimney Rocks. The site would make a great earth cache. It was a fun hike with some really nice views. The hour was late when I left and it was a long drive home, but now there's only eleven unfound counties left. Maybe on a return trip I can get rid of the wimpy ones on the county map ;-).
When I called home, Ali told me all about this amazing moth on the side door. I was in luck and it was still there. I wish the photo quality were better, but it is an amazing creature.
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