We stopped by here for a walk in the woods and a multi hunt. We had found the first cache hidden here last year. The one this year has had only our friend Chris as a finder so far, and it took him a couple hours. It's a three-mile loop through the park plus four stages of a multi. We knew we would be here for a while, but didn't expect to leave with a dnf. This is a tough cache. We got the first two stages and left two for later. While spending a looooong time looking for stage 2, I saw an interesting looking downed tree with the cells below. While we were taking a blind look or two for the final, Ali found a glass dump. These were fairly common at old farms. This one is fairly large, but except for the amber Clorox bottles with the Clorox name in the bottle, the bottles weren't overly interesting.
The woods were at the almost stage with wildflowers. We found lots of things almost open but the spice bush below was as near as an open blossom as we found. The great things about a dnf in the woods is you get to spend time in the woods and you get to return for another look.