
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

3 May 2009 Laurel Run CITO

Our pre-CITO safety talk

Safety First

Ranger Rob talks about the history of Laurel Mill

Zoose was willing to CITO any lunch leftovers

Almost finished...

A few after-CITO blossoms

Liz and Wes hosted a CITO today in the ANF. As far as we know, this was the first CITO in the Allegheny National Forest. We were cleaning an area near Laurel Run which is a cross-country ski trail location. We onlt had about two dozen cachers attend the event, but it was enough to fill a dump truck. Ali and I were assigned a stretch of road with Luvs2Walk. We actually used all the trash bags we were given plus most of the second batch that was dropped with us. The strangest pick-up of the day was a motorcycle frame. At the end of the day, the park service looked happy.

After the CITO, Ali and I went back to look at some of the flowers and blossoms we had seen along the road. We also grabbed a few caches with Liz and Wes before a final stop at Ginger's Wagon Wheel (yum).

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