We spent most of the day at the art museum. The museum has been in construction for a few years. A few more galleries are open so it was a great time to visit and see a number of works we hadn't seen for a long time and some that have never been on display before due to a lack of space. After the museum we stopped by Cleveland State to hunt a few micro caches on campus. We dnf'd both caches, but spent a little time walking around and visiting. I spent a number of years here finishing my degrees. Much has changed since my time. The buildings have gotten a lot nicer, but I'm not sure there is as much green space. We made a stop at the Ten Thousand Villages store near campus and headed home for the evening.

This is University Tower and was one of my favorite places to catch up on too-infrequent sleep while I went to school here. The lower floors are the university's library. There were study carrels along the walls on some floors. I worked two jobs while in school and this area was a perfect place to avoid everyone when I needed a nap.

I graduated twice from the School of Business. This building was built just after I left the school for the last time. It's a nice addition to campus.

Trinity Cathedral used to host lunchtime concerts while I was on campus. With work, I didn't attend many of these or the midday ones at the nearby Agora ;-)

I spent most of my free time here at Fenn Tower. When I first started at school the third floor was entirely a student recreation area. There was a large pool hall and game room. The rest of the floor was a big open area with comfy furniture and big tall windows. It was also one of the warmest buildings on campus so it always had my vote as a favorite place. I shot a lot of games of pool and played a lot of pinball here. After about three years, they moved the recreation area to the west end of campus. My visits to Fenn Tower then became infrequent until a friend began living in one of the upper dorms.

Stillwell Hall looks much the same as it did when I was here earning my engineering degree. The cafeteria that was located in the southeast corner of the first floor is gone. I suspect that the overall health of the students improved when that happened. To this day Stillwell Hall's cafeteria remains the only place I have seen where bacon bits in salad moved :-0