
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

19 November 2011 Staying Local

It was clean-up and winterize day at the lawn bowling club so our morning was spent with yard work. This year's shut-down was much later than other years. I was concerned the weather would be awful, but it was a perfect day for working outdoors.

After chores were done and visiting was over, we headed off for a little caching. We avenged a really old dnf at the Cultural Gardens. The plants had all died back, but the gardens are still fun and interesting to visit.

Our second stop was the West Side Market. There actually was a cache which started with information gathering in the market and a Geocaching Challenge at the market, but the real reason for the visit was food. The market was packed with Thanksgiving shoppers and lots of out-of-state plates. We were lucky with a parking space and lots of great food. Our indoor visit included a stop at the market stall of one of our favorite bakeries Michael's. We loaded up on tons of veggies and found some nice raspberries. I got my first navel oranges of the season.

On our way back to the geomobile, we noticed there were still people tending the Ohio City Farm. At six acres, this is a huge urban farm bordering the West Side Market. It was good to be back in Northeast Ohio for a quiet day.

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