
Friday, July 06, 2012

29 April 2012 Medina and Letha House

Our second stop of the day was to be Medina Park's Letha House. Our friend had placed a series of caches there. Letha House is an interesting park with two sections seperated by a road. The more popular side of the park has a pond which is popular for fishing and an observatory. The other side of the park is a passive park with quiet trails running near a pleasant stream and a few old farm fields.

While on the way to Letha House, I decided to stop and take a few pictures of the meridian stone in the center of town. This is a really nice meridian stone which was erected in 1832. It is in good shape and a great historical piece, except they moved it. I'm sure some one had a great reason to move it, but it really lost significance with the move.

The trails at Letha House did not disappoint. The spring wildflowers were plentiful. Ali made the day by spotting a large stand of nodding trilliums as we walked the trail. These are a rare find where we spend most of our days.

As we walked on of the trails we came upon this old farm equipment. As a safety person I notice safety items. All the unguarded gears tell the tale of why farm accidents used to be so common.

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