
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

24 October 2012 Catalina State Park

I had a couple of free hours and a chance to hike at Catalina State Park. It was wonderfully warm and the desert was awesome. There are a number of geocaches in the park so I spent my time on trails that would lead me to most of the caches. Cache hiders did not disappoint hiding caches in a variety of places so I got to touch the different areas of the park and see a variety of life in the desert. I needed another one to two hours to hunt the two caches at the edge of the park and passed on a small trail of micros.

I also realized early on that my idea to have Ali bring hiking poles when she arrived later in the week was not the greatest ideas. I had to tread very carefully at the caches I found to make certain I wasn't disturbing any of the local snake population. The poles are usually a really good way to move the container in case there is a snake nearby. It was over too soon. I would certainly put this place on a return list if I am lucky enough to be able to return for a second visit.

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