A friend gave the bracelet above to Ali when we reached 2,000 finds. At the time it was a roman numeral for the 2 plus the k for 1,000. It made a return trip this week when we celebrated number 11,000.
I needed Friday to recover from Thursday's short outing. By Saturday morning I stil felt lousy, but was willing to hit the trail so we could find our milestone cache together with the dogs before Ali headed east on Sunday. It was not one of my smarter decisions. We found some nice caches and I made it through the day, but I spent a scary night a foot in front of our fireplace with a blanket pulled over me. By the next morning, I was dangerously dehydrated and had no idea how I was going to drive three hours to our home so I could be closer to serious medical help if my specialist was needed.
This quiet winter scene was at a small park along the Tionesta River where we stopped for a find before heading after the milestone.
We were returning to a favorite stretch of the North Country Trail to seek number 11,000. The find would actually be not far from our 1,000 milestone find so many years ago.
The snow was deep at the cache location.
Our 11,000 cache picture near the cache site included me looking near death.
We stopped at a cemetery for a cache in the woods with a nice view overlooking the woods to start our journey of the next 1,000 finds.
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