
Saturday, July 23, 2016

20 April 2016 Iller Creek Conservation Area

This was my second visit to this area. The year prior I had visited in early summer to walk in hot, dry woods which were a huge fire danger. I never got near the rocks at the top and stopped my walk early to get out of the dried woods. This evening the area was almost lush and perfect for a return visit and a long hike to the rocks.

The goal for the hike rose up in the distance.

Ypu never know what might be waiting on the trails in Spokane. This old stretch cab was so beat up I couldn't identify the make. I think it may be a Nissan.

At least someone planted flowers. ;)

The area at the top has an interesting bit of history. An electric train used to pass through the Iller Creek area. Spokan residents would take the train to a nearby stop and hike to this peak in nice weather to enjoy a picnic lunch before catching a returning train back home. It gave quite a view.

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