
Wednesday, June 05, 2019

5 February 2019 Deep Creek Preserve

Our day started with a journey to Deep Creek Preserve near Arcadia.  Ali had visited her before and liked the area so we made a return visit to hike the trails.  The cows in a grassy property next to the preserve seemed to understand their ties to the cattle egret.  They were following behind a small gathering of these odd birds.

The first trails we walked were filled with swallows.  There were dozens of them flying about.  As we progressed along the trails the trees along the edge were hosting pine warblers.

As were ending our time at Deep Creek we were treated to a rare (for us) sighting of a northern shrike.  We were able to watch it hunting for a bit.

This trip had fewer butterflies than we typically see.  Deep Creek offered multiple white peacocks.

We both enjoyed our brief initial visit to visit to Charlotte Harbor State Park when we arrived.  When we left Deep Creek there was still enough time to return and take a longer walk to find a multi.  This was a different view of the park in an area with a long boardwalk to the water.

At first we thought this younger hawk was bothered by our presence as it was vocalizing loudly.  We made our way past and soon realized it was being vocal for some reason other than us.

Sunset in February is still early.  We were soon off the trail after another fun nature outing.

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