
Sunday, December 29, 2019

15 August 2019 Wintergarden

I was on my way home from an Indiana trip and wanted to take a break on the trails.  Wintergarden in Bowling Green offers some very nice trails through woods and open fields.  I was happy to stop for a visit before the current year's caches were archived.  The wildflowers were nearing the end, but still pleasant to see.  The hider at the park is a good hider and managed to leave me with a dnf as I made my way through the park.

It's the end of the season for baneberry.  The spring wildflowers are long gone with just the dolls eyes and leaves remaining on the plant.

There's not a lot of areas in the park are wet enough to support cardinals, but one stretch by a small footbridge and stream was filled with these hummingbird favorites.

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