
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

1 January 2020 Phineas on the Trail Again

Phin was six days past his first accupuncture session.  He was showing improvement, but was still quiet and tentative.  His second session was scheduled for the next day.  We wanted to report back to the medical team any progress so we cautiously decided to take him to a nearby park for a short, flat walk on a paved trail.

He was less boisterous than usual, but he handled the single loop well.  We now have him leashed with a harness and a collar.  The harness is a four-foot lead to take strain from his neck while the six foot lead is a back-up in case he manages to slip the catch on his shorter leash.  He is a beagle afterall. 😀

We dropped Phineas at home to rest from his walk and continued our day with Lizzie at a couple Lake Metroparks.  She was surprisingly calm and inquisitive when encountering a deer at one of the parks.  We didn't let her get too close since deer can carry disease.

The sun sets on the first day of the new year.  Hopefully it is better than 2019...

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