
Thursday, December 24, 2020

18 August 2020 More Backyard Spottings

 I see a few of these strangely marked bugs each summer.  Today a few were hanging out in the zinnias.  I finally took the time to search for an identity.  I present the candy-striped leafhopper.  They are not very big, but apparently can be a nuisance in large numbers.  There were a couple visiting the zinnias today.

I've tried a number of times over years to get purple coneflower established.  All previous attempts have met with failure to keep the plants alive for the year.  I stopped at a local nursery to pick up a few items and noted they had multiple great looking plants.  I purchased a few and spent time hunting an area where experience now says they might succeed.  So far, they appear to be thriving and today gave a dividend with a swallowtail stopping for a visit.  Hopefully, I will see them next year and can begin to establish them in the wildflower garden.

It was a big day for swallowtails.

This crab spider was hanging out on the edge of the picnic table.

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