
Saturday, August 24, 2019

16 April 2019 Ellis Hollow Nature Preserve

I was on my way to Cortland for work and wanted to stop for a walk in the woods.  Ellis Hollow Nature Preserve was a new walk for me.

I was hoping for spring wildflowers, but the southern tier seems to follow after our usual areas for spring warm-up.  The trail was still inviting.

Once the trail register was signed.

Laminated trail books have been around for some years, but they seem to be gaining popularity.

These trail had a book of tree poems.

I headed out on the trail for the first cache.  I quickly made a mistake deciding to cross this fast stream.  I made the unwise decision after seeing a runner coming from the other direction cross the stream and pass by me.  I should have remembered that many runners are lousy at using trails.

The trail markers eventually led me to the correct stream crossing and the nearby geocache.

There were more stream crossings ahead on this super walk.  Eventually rain arrived and I decided to get on with my drive.  It was a super place to explore and cache even if I was a little early for the spring wildflowers.

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