
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

28 February 2009 Bridge Over a Trout Stream

This is a nice, steel bridge over a trout stream near Spartansburg. It is a little different that most of these old bridges in that it has a wooden deck that makes great sounds when you drive over it. If there were more traffic, Penn DOT would probably replace the bridge. For now, it lives on.

The photo has been altered to remove the local vandals graffiti (and make the page G rated). This area is a little strange. Just to one side of this bridge is an old rail trestle. The tracks have been taken out and leaving an undeveloped rail trail. The Spartansburg Railroad Cache is in the woods along the old railroad bed. It was a little unusual seeking that cache because the old tracks are the place where the local Amish teens go to sow their wild oats... buggies, cheap beer, and bad cigars. Still, the place is quite scenic during the nicer months. The last photo is from May 2006 before the blog came to life.

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