
Saturday, January 02, 2021

4 September 2020 Starting the Holiday Weekend

 I was in New York for a rare for 2020 business trip.  The day ended late so I drove to Pennsylvania for the evening.  Normally, we would be at the Geauga County Fair, but COVID ended those plans.  I made a late morning solo trip to walk along the trail at Irvine Flats.  The wildflowers on the trail are greatly diminished since the National Forest Service now sends an early trail cutter in to support late fall hunting.  The early cuts have greatly diminished the flowers and re-seeding.  Despite the government's mismanagement some turtlehead and great blue lobelia continue to survive.  A number of other species are now gone.

I have no idea of what drove this butterfly to continue flying with so much wing damage.

They were all in.

That's my spirit turtle.  I have always preferred quiet to the crowd.

This was a first for me.  I started by thinking these two snapping turtles were doing some sort of mating ritual.  It soon became clear this was a very powerful territorial battle.

A few minutes later the victor swam away.

Leopard Frog

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