
Sunday, May 18, 2008

6 May 2008 Dishman Hills in Spokane.

I tried something different for this trip west. On my last tripo I left early in the morning, got held up with airport delays, and arrived exhausted with a day of my life wasted. This time, I got a 6:45 flight from Cleveland in the evening and arrived in Spokane near 11pm. I managed some sleep on the flight and got to my hotel about 11:30. All was well, but I was tired by the end of the day at the office. Still the stubborn streak in me resisted the practical thought of some gentle park caching or a little Waymarking. Instead, I returned for another shot at Dishman Hills.

One find, three dnfs, a bunch of bruises and 2 1/2 hours later I decided it was time to take my weary body out for something to eat before returning to the hotel. Still, it was worth it. Dishman is a sight to see even if one is too tired to focus the camera (or adjust the settings properly ;-) ). I promise better from tomorrow, but these were the best of the bunch.

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