We had finally put our wits and a suggestion from a friend together and solved a couple Pirate & Crafty puzzles. There was a time when we had most of this solved before it had been found, but we were never able to get to the final coords. Armed with the correct answer, we headed out for a find on a tough puzzle. Local cachers know of so many great spots for a hide. This was no exception.
This cache was in one of those locations that only a long-time local would even know existed. After a short climb up the side, we came on this structure of unknown use. There was also an old stone wall. At the end of the rest of the loooong climb up, we found ourselces in an old mixed pine plantation.
Later on we grabbed the dogs and went for a walk at Anders Run to look for orchid leaves. We found the orchids and a few nice widlflowers in bloom. We'll need to return in a few weeks to see the orchids in bloom.
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