
Monday, March 05, 2018

1 October 2017 Wichita Falls Flooding

We were planning a big day starting in Wichita Falls and ending in Lawton Oklahoma. We noticed on our trip there are many non-chain donut shops in towns. Since we planned an active day, we started the day at Tommy's Dounts. One interesting note for these donut shops is they also sell things like fried rice. Despite the interesting menu diversity, they make very good donuts.

After eating breakfast and finding a few caches in a nearby cemetery, we made our way to Lucy Park on the Wichita River. We weren't prepared for the massive flooding in the park. It had rained heavily on Thursday, but the flooding was more intense than we expected.

There is a trail and benches somewhere over there.

We tried to reach a couple of the park's caches before moving on to the River Bend Nature Center. The center appeared to be preparing for a special event so we found the cache and moved on. While hunting the cache we enjoyed the many butterflies in the area. It was different seeing a border patch caterpillar and the border patch butterfly so close together.

We moved on to the world's littlest skyscraper. It was fun to see. I wish there were pictures from the inside, but the world's littlest skyscraper, like nearly all of downtown Wichita Falls, is closed on Sundays. The city's low profile skyline would still make this a nice viewing spot from the top floor.

We decided to see if the location of the old Wichita Falls and the new Wichita Falls could be reached. The water levels were not cooperating today. It was time to move on.

We were headed to Lawton. We stopped for a cache along a quiet road. The cache wasn't found, but we were happy to get a great view of a scissor-tailed flycatcher, the state bird of Oklahoma. We had seen a few on our journey, but this was the first to stay around long enough to be captured in images.

We cached our way to Lawton with a few dnf's, but mostly finds. Much of our afternoon's travels looked a lot like this.

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