
Friday, February 22, 2019

2 October 2018 Quebec Run

We had finally reached one of the destinations for our fall visit.  We hadn't made a return visit to Quebec Run for a hike in many years.  We fixed that today.

Our stop at parking was a little weird as there were two non-plated vehicles in the parking lot with engines running and drivers.  They looked like some unmarked military vehicles waiting for the return of the occupants.  We found out later we weren't that far off.

While we were here there was an old 2005 cache which we hadn't found.  We made our way on the trail headed for that hide.

We reached the cache area early in our walk.  We spent some time looking, but were soon crossing the bridge over the stream and on our way.

We spotted a hickory tussock moth caterpillar along the way.  This species is one that will cause a painful rash if touched.  Luckily, we just look at what we find on our journeys.

We eventually found out the trucks were some kind of survival training mission being run in the forest lands by a government contractor.  At times during our hike, we would see a person cross the trail and quickly re-enter the woods.  Sometimes we could hear them moving along through the water.  We ran into a few of the leaders of the session in the woods.  One spent a fair amount of time talking with us and explaining the task.  Basically, it was a very long off-trail orienteering operation.  A few of the people we actually saw looked exhausted.

When we returned to the parking area the trucks still remained.  The recruits were apparently delivered to the site in the back of the trucks.  We later realized there were more of these trucks at various other parking spots in the forest.  We happened to be there as one recruit returned.  He made it to the jerry can and fell to his knees.

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