
Thursday, November 28, 2019

26 July 2019 Weekend Getaway

Recent years have become almost impossible for me to have a vacation where work does not consume a significant part of the time.  This was the first day of a three-day weekend for us.  I had hopes of a great weekend.  Our plan for Friday was to travel to the prarie cemeteries to enjoy the wildflowers and hummingbirds with a few stops along the way.

We stopped for a virtual in a Marion cemetery.  The cemetery had some interesting areas including a large veterans section and a well done fake tree marker.

It was the first time we have seen a sculpture mounted atop a zinc monument.

The cemetery section across the road is home to Warren G. Harding's grave.  I was surprised to see it closed on a Friday afternoon.  It is a large, imposing structure, but for me lacks the beauty and dignity of James Garfield's tomb in Lakeview Cemetery.

After a return visit to the old Marion train station, we were on our way to the prairie Cemeteries.

Prairie blossoms and hummingbirds were in abundance this evening as we made our first prairie stop at Bigelow Cemetery.

When we arrived at Smith Cemetery, these two daring acrobats were in the air.  I'm sure nothing could go wrong with lawn-mower powered flying machines.  😟

Unlike it's counterpart, Smith has never been the hummingbird magnet.  We stopped to enjoy the flowers and read a few markers.

Our day wasn't over yet as we headed for a stop at Glacier Ridge Metropark.  The park was setting up for an evening of sky gazing while we found our first cache at the renewable energy exhibit and played with the interactive pieces.  We also spotted a super tiny frog while signing the log at the cache in the area.  It's easy to generate a reasonable amount of power using the hand crank on the turbine.  Sustaining that power generation for any time is not so easy.

Our last cache of the evening was at an old truck that probably died in a tree collision when this was still a farm.  It has tires so I was interested.

We still needed to check in and were both hungry so we left the night sky activities behind and settled for the sunset.

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