My travel plans didn't quite work out the evening before. I had a good plan flying Monterrey to Houston to Denver to Spokane. I would have arrived in time for a late meal and been able to get most of an evening's sleep, but... It all worked until the flight was late leaving Houston. When we arrived in Denver, I was happy to see my flight to Spokane was a continuation of the Houston to Denver flight. It was still good, except our flight crew timed out with the late arrival in Denver. The back-up flght crew was also late with their inbound flight. In the end, they reached the gate with less than fifteen minutes to push-back. The flight crw was yelling at people to sit down so they could push back before they timed out. In the end the jet left the gate with about two minutes to spare and a post midnight arrival in Spokane. By the time I retrieved my bag, grabbed the rental, and made the half-hour drive to the hotel, it was time to wake in my normal time zone.
I made it through the day and decided on a visit to Liberty Lake to spend a short Friday evening. My first choice for parking was closed for wild fire risk so I ended up never seeing the water but enjoying a brief but quiet woods walk.
There was plenty dry vegetation to burn here.
I met a couple out walking their dog. It made me wish I were home for the weekend with Ali and our dogs.
There were a few good rock scrambles as I hunted a couple caches.
This was as close as I got to the lake. I started down this trail hoping to see what promised to be a good sunset on the water, but quickly realized I was past tired and needed to get of the trail and the road and back to my hotel.