
Friday, September 18, 2015

11 June 2015 Holden

We decided to go for an evening walk at Holden with the dogs. We parked at one of the remote members-only lots to take a familiar walk. Our early walk was great as we spotted a swallows and an unidentified bird while enjoying the sites and sounds of red-winged blackbirds.

We hoped to get a better view of family of wood ducks we spotted on the water, but the sounds of the dogs quickly sent them scurrying into the dense plants along the water's edge.

This is a good area to look for summer wildflowers. This evening daisies were plentiful.

Our walk was cut short early as Ali stepped in a hole along the trail and turned an ankle. We went on for a short bit, but it was obvious she was in pain.

It's not often that Air Force jets can be seen refueling over the skies in Northeast Ohio. It looks like an ancient KC-135 topping off a C-17.

It looks like we caught site of the pair just as refueling was finished. Seconds later, the boom had been retracted.

We were almost back to Subie when we started noticing the cedar waxwings. There were many, many cedar waxwings. We've seen them gather before in large numbers, usually when there are berries nearby. This evening it was small cherries in trees near the trail. Any time we can spot these beautiful birds is a treat.

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