
Monday, September 17, 2007

14 September 2007 More Albion Fair

Years ago we figured that Friday was the day to be here since the kids get to ride and compete. There's no need for fancy gear here. The only requirement I know of is you need a helmet if your under 18 and you need to wear hadr-bottom boots with a heel. The races always include riding the length of the arena, dismounting your horse, and grabbing a specified page from a catalog. There's also barrel races each year. Most years they mix it up. One year there was a mother/daughter race with the two racing side by side holding a ribbon. The competitors are always girls. One of the parents said boys are invited, but most don't want to work hard enough to compete. It's spirited. It's fun. Older kids helping young. Mothers running along side their kids horses so the youngsters can participate. It's Americana.

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